Ants and Acacias: ecology and evolutionary biology of a mutualism - two stories: your professor, and biology
1 the ant and the acacia
2 coevolution
3 camel and non-ant-acacia
4 thorns on non-ant-acacia
5 Acacia ruddaei
6 twig, non-acacia-ants
7 ant-acacia distribution
8 an ant-acacia
9 ant-acacia leaves & thorns
10 ant-acacia swollen thorns
11 new ant-acacia thorns
12 green thorn interior
13 ant-acacia foliar nectaries
14 sugar from foliar nectaries
15 Beltian bodies
16 rainy season dry forest
17 dry season dry forest
18 leafy in the dry season
19 Pseudomyrmex acacia-ants
20 an entire acacia-ant colony
21 first step
22 second step
23 third step
24 fourth step
25 fourth step close up
26 fifth step
27 sixth step
28 seventh step
29 colony queen
30 eighth step
31 acacia-ant calling
32 acacia-ant mating
33 ant-acacia establishment
34 acacia-ant fruits
35 inflorescence & bee
36 mature fruit
37 seedling ant-acacia
38 stunted seedling/sapling
39 queen cutting an entrance
40 young colony, young plant
41 massive growth
42 senescence
43 ant patrolling
44 acacia-ant attack of insects
45 acacia-ant attack of insects
46 William Morton Wheeler
47 natural unoccupancy
48 natural occupancy
49 experiment: step I
50 experiment: step 2
51 experiment: step 3, 45 days
52 experiment: step 3, 45 days
53 experiment: step 4, 12 mo
54 experiment: step 4, 12 mo
55 herbivores of ant-acacias
56 herbivores of ant-acacias
57 shade and ant-acacias
58 shade and the ant-acacias
59 vines and the ant-acacia
60 vines and the ant-acacia
61 keeping vines off
62 keeping vines off
63 basal circles
64 serendipitous consequence
65 impact of shade
66 impact of no shade
67 large herbivores
68 are ant-acacias edible?
69 thorns do not stop deer
70 thorns do protect some
71 not coevolved
72 a caterpillar
73 caterpillar and ant-acacias
74 Syssphinx mexicana
75 the adult and oviposition
76 eggs and colony odor
77 a beetle
78 the beetle
79 commensals & parasites
80 birds